Elizabeth Barbella Announces October Event for Area Non-Profits
It has been 11 years since beloved entertainer and philanthropist Frances Langford passed away. Her memory and legacy remain strong as our community continues to benefit from her vision and generosity through the Langford Fund for Martin County, the newest named fund under the direction of the Martin County Community Foundation. Elizabeth Barbella, MCCF Executive Director, will welcome all Martin County non-profit CEO’s, Executive and Development Directors to a coffee reception at 10 a.m. on October 14 at the Dolphin Bar in Jensen Beach to introduce The Langford Fund and to present guidelines for the 2017 grant applications. The Martin County Community Foundation was recently honored to receive $7.7 million from the Langford Trust to provide funding in perpetuity to organizations and causes most dear to Ms. Langford, who gave $26 million, directly to Martin County charities in the decade after her passing.